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Batch Processing Module [Batch_Proc]


The "batch processing screen" referred to below is the Container Batch Processing screen.


Permission Description


Provide toolbar icon to access the Batch Processing module.


Allow search for batches by final destination location on the batch processing screen.

The final location field will be turned on so a location can be typed.


Allow edit of the batch location b=value on the batch processing screen.

Without this permission, the user can only select items from a drop-down combo box for batch location.


Remove the All Batches check box on the batch processing screen.


Remove the date prompt for batch searching from the batch processing screen.

User cannot change the date for batch searching.


Removes the Search button from the batch processing screen.


Disable automatic print of batch labels when the Rcv Selected In LIS button is clicked on the batch processing screen.


Remove the Create Batch button from the batch processing screen.

User cannot create new batches.


Prevent addition of containers to a Temp List of container items on the batch processing screen.


Prevent addition of containers to an existing batch of container items on the batch processing screen.


Display and enable the Delete Selected Items button on the batch processing screen.


Display and enable the Delete Batch List button on the batch processing screen.


Allow batch item or complete batch deletion after a batch has a pickup date assigned on the batch processing screen.


Allow deletion of batch items or a complete batch after the batch has been closed (received in the LIS).


Do NOT transmit XR receipt transactions to the LIS when the Recv Selected in LIS button is clicked on the batch processing screen.

Does update the date in the database.


Enable a prompt to confirm the batch location during batch creation on the batch processing screen.


Enable a prompt to override the default batch description string after the Create Batch button is clicked on the batch processing screen.


Enables a prompt to confirm the receipt date when the Recv Selected in LIS button is clicked on the batch processing screen.


Enable a prompt to confirm the user name and user LIS code when the Recv Selected in LIS button is clicked on the batch processing screen.


Automatically print the batch created after the Create Batch button is clicked on the batch processing screen.


Validate the device location typed in to ensure it is one of those displayed in the drop-down list. A warning is issued for an invalid location.


Delay sending the order to the LIS until a container from the order is added to a batch transport list.

Remove Export button from the episode screen. (where is the episode screen in the doc?


Show the patient level demographic fields on the batch list report.


Default the search type on the batch processing screen to Container ID.

When a user scans or types in an item, a Container ID search will be done.


Default the search type on the batch processing screen to Lab Accession.

When a user scans or types in an item, a search by Lab Accession will be done.


Default the search type on the batch processing screen to FP Accession.

When a user scans or types in an item, a search by FP Accession will be done.


Prevent addition of a Container ID to a batch or Temp List on the batch processing screen if that Container ID is in another batch not yet closed.


Display a warning if a Container ID is in a batch that has not yet been closed.

Warning presents a string composed of the Batch ID, location, user and date.

Prompt to confirm that the entry should be accepted.


Enable the Send Order to LIS button on the batch processing screen.


Display a warning prompt when adding a Container ID to a batch that has a closed date (batch is closed).

Allow addition of the Container ID if the Yes button is clicked on the warning prompt.


Allow addition of a Container ID to a batch that has a closed date.


Trigger an SC message to be sent out the CDC outbound interface when a batch is created.


Display a warning and prevent removal of tests when a Container ID has been assigned to a batch and when one or more tests are selected to be removed on the container management (tubes) screen.


Check each Container ID at the time a batch is created to make sure it is not assigned to another Batch ID and it is not yet received.

Display a warning and prevent batch creation if Container ID has been previously assigned or received.


Close a Batch ID when all specimens are received in LIS.

Rule executed at the end of a receipt to LIS process on the batch processing screen.


Prevent close of a Batch ID if there are unreceived Container IDs

Rule executed when a close date is entered on the batch processing screen.


Check each Container ID at the time a batch is created to see if it exists in a closed batch.

Display a warning and prevent batch creation if Container ID has been previously assigned to a closed batch.


Enable and display the Dispatch Batch button on the batch processing screen.


Enable and display the Delete Dispatch Group button on the batch processing screen.


Enable and display the Remove Batch ID From Group button on the batch processing screen.


Enable and display the Add Batch IDs To Group button on the batch dispatch screen.


Enable and display the Make New Dispatch Group button on the batch dispatch screen.


Remove (hide) the AlqContainerCode field in the container list on the batch processing screen.


Remove (hide) the ContainerType field in the container list on the batch processing screen.


Enable and display a patient name column in the container list.

Making this visible will cause the grid display to retrieve a patient name for each Container ID, adding more time and steps to the display. This impacts performance.


Enable and display the Track Specimen button on the batch processing screen.


Prevent receipt of batch items to the LIS on the batch processing screen if the Receipt Performing Lab code does not match the performing lab code assigned to the batch.


Prevent addition of a Container ID to a batch that is for a different Performing Lab Code.