Batch Processing Module [Batch_Proc]
The "batch processing screen" referred to below is the Container Batch Processing screen.
Permission | Description |
batchmodulesee |
Provide toolbar icon to access the Batch Processing module. |
bpsearchfinal |
Allow search for batches by final destination location on the batch processing screen. The final location field will be turned on so a location can be typed. |
bpeditbatchloc |
Allow edit of the batch location b=value on the batch processing screen. Without this permission, the user can only select items from a drop-down combo box for batch location. |
bpremoveallbatches |
Remove the All Batches check box on the batch processing screen. |
bpremovebatchdate |
Remove the date prompt for batch searching from the batch processing screen. User cannot change the date for batch searching. |
bpremovesrchbtn |
Removes the Search button from the batch processing screen. |
bpdonotautoprtalq |
Disable automatic print of batch labels when the Rcv Selected In LIS button is clicked on the batch processing screen. |
bpremovecreate |
Remove the Create Batch button from the batch processing screen. User cannot create new batches. |
bpdonotaddtemplst |
Prevent addition of containers to a Temp List of container items on the batch processing screen. |
bpdonotaddbatclst |
Prevent addition of containers to an existing batch of container items on the batch processing screen. |
bpdeleteitems |
Display and enable the Delete Selected Items button on the batch processing screen. |
bpdeletebatch |
Display and enable the Delete Batch List button on the batch processing screen. |
bpdeleteafterpickup |
Allow batch item or complete batch deletion after a batch has a pickup date assigned on the batch processing screen. |
bpdeleteafterclose |
Allow deletion of batch items or a complete batch after the batch has been closed (received in the LIS). |
bpdonotrecvlis |
Do NOT transmit XR receipt transactions to the LIS when the Recv Selected in LIS button is clicked on the batch processing screen. Does update the date in the database. |
bpasklocconfirm |
Enable a prompt to confirm the batch location during batch creation on the batch processing screen. |
bpaskdescrconfirm |
Enable a prompt to override the default batch description string after the Create Batch button is clicked on the batch processing screen. |
bpaskrdconfirm |
Enables a prompt to confirm the receipt date when the Recv Selected in LIS button is clicked on the batch processing screen. |
bpaskusrconfirm |
Enable a prompt to confirm the user name and user LIS code when the Recv Selected in LIS button is clicked on the batch processing screen. |
autoprtbatch |
Automatically print the batch created after the Create Batch button is clicked on the batch processing screen. |
validatedevloc |
Validate the device location typed in to ensure it is one of those displayed in the drop-down list. A warning is issued for an invalid location. |
exportordtrn |
Delay sending the order to the LIS until a container from the order is added to a batch transport list. Remove Export button from the episode screen. (where is the episode screen in the doc? |
bpprtptdems |
Show the patient level demographic fields on the batch list report. |
bpdefsrchcid |
Default the search type on the batch processing screen to Container ID. When a user scans or types in an item, a Container ID search will be done. |
bpdefsrchla |
Default the search type on the batch processing screen to Lab Accession. When a user scans or types in an item, a search by Lab Accession will be done. |
bpdefsrchacc |
Default the search type on the batch processing screen to FP Accession. When a user scans or types in an item, a search by FP Accession will be done. |
bpprvntcidrebatch |
Prevent addition of a Container ID to a batch or Temp List on the batch processing screen if that Container ID is in another batch not yet closed. |
bpwarncidbatched |
Display a warning if a Container ID is in a batch that has not yet been closed. Warning presents a string composed of the Batch ID, location, user and date. Prompt to confirm that the entry should be accepted. |
bpsendordlis |
Enable the Send Order to LIS button on the batch processing screen. |
bpwarnaddclosedbatch |
Display a warning prompt when adding a Container ID to a batch that has a closed date (batch is closed). Allow addition of the Container ID if the Yes button is clicked on the warning prompt. |
bnprvntaddclosebatch |
Allow addition of a Container ID to a batch that has a closed date. |
bptrigcdcout |
Trigger an SC message to be sent out the CDC outbound interface when a batch is created. |
modtubeaftercidbp |
Display a warning and prevent removal of tests when a Container ID has been assigned to a batch and when one or more tests are selected to be removed on the container management (tubes) screen. |
bpchkcidinbidcreate |
Check each Container ID at the time a batch is created to make sure it is not assigned to another Batch ID and it is not yet received. Display a warning and prevent batch creation if Container ID has been previously assigned or received. |
bpclosebtcrecv |
Close a Batch ID when all specimens are received in LIS. Rule executed at the end of a receipt to LIS process on the batch processing screen. |
bpnocloseunrecv |
Prevent close of a Batch ID if there are unreceived Container IDs Rule executed when a close date is entered on the batch processing screen. |
bpwarncidinclosed |
Check each Container ID at the time a batch is created to see if it exists in a closed batch. Display a warning and prevent batch creation if Container ID has been previously assigned to a closed batch. |
bpdispatchsee |
Enable and display the Dispatch Batch button on the batch processing screen. |
bpdpdelete |
Enable and display the Delete Dispatch Group button on the batch processing screen. |
bpdpremove |
Enable and display the Remove Batch ID From Group button on the batch processing screen. |
bpdpadd |
Enable and display the Add Batch IDs To Group button on the batch dispatch screen. |
bpdpmakenew |
Enable and display the Make New Dispatch Group button on the batch dispatch screen. |
bpalqchide |
Remove (hide) the AlqContainerCode field in the container list on the batch processing screen. |
bpctypehide |
Remove (hide) the ContainerType field in the container list on the batch processing screen. |
pbptnamelist |
Enable and display a patient name column in the container list. Making this visible will cause the grid display to retrieve a patient name for each Container ID, adding more time and steps to the display. This impacts performance. |
bptracksee |
Enable and display the Track Specimen button on the batch processing screen. |
bpblckrcvlisprflb |
Prevent receipt of batch items to the LIS on the batch processing screen if the Receipt Performing Lab code does not match the performing lab code assigned to the batch. |
bnprvntdiffperflab |
Prevent addition of a Container ID to a batch that is for a different Performing Lab Code. |